Sir Knight Benjamin Nador of Commandery 835 of the Knights of St. John international was on Sunday, January 7 installed president of the Church Pastoral Council of the St. Dominic Catholic Church, Taifa.
The Installation ceremony was led by priest in charge of the Church in Taifa, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obeng Codjoe together with Rev. Fr. Samuel Akoto Mensah, (NCS director of Catechesis) and Sir Knight Benjamin Oduro Gyaminah immediate past President of the Council.

Sir.Knight Benjamin Nador
In his acceptance speech, Sir Knight Nador expressed his appreciation to the St. Dominic Community for the trust and faith bestowed in him and for the previous council for their hard work and dedication. He described his appointment as an invitation to serve God and humanity.
"I am greately honored and yet humbled this morning for your trust and faith you bestowed in me as the chairman of this wonderful Church. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate my colleague councilors on their appointment.
I say ayekoo and salute you all for your uncompromising commitment, expertise and most importantly, time which you gave so generously to the to the vision of a better community of believers. Now, I with my fellow councilors, do hereby accept the invitation to serve in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit," he said.
Opening his arms to constructive criticism, he urged parishioners to rally behind him and the rest of the team to make their tenure a success. "To my dear parishioners, in this journey, we cannot succeed alone as councilors. It is through your support, constructive criticism and encouragements that we shall have success together," he added.
For his part, the out gone president, Sir Knight Benjamin Oduro Gyaminah congratulated his successor for the feat and urged him to be strong to propel the church to greater heights. According to him, he is excited that the church was dedicated during his tenure. This he says should be the inspiration for the new councilors for there is more work to be done.
Sir Knight Benjamin Nador takes over from
his brother Knight Benjamin Oduro Gyaminah who has served the church the past five years. Other knights and Ladies of the Noble order who got appointed to the council are, Captain Raphael Anthony Quansah, worthy president, Taifa and second vice commander of the sixth district. Brother Eugene Dweben, first vice president, St. Dominic Commandery and Sister Martina Osway.
Sir Knight Nador is the treasurer of the Commandery in Taifa and is a very active, passionate and adorable Knight with intense desire for the growth of the church and the knighthood. He is also an aspirant for the position of the Paymaster of the First Battalion of the Second Regiment of the Accra West Grand of the Knights of St. John International.
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