By: Anita Zoe Afia Odei
Child marriage as one of the widespread hot topics in Ghana is the union between two people in which one or both parties is younger than 18 years of age.
On average 1 out of 4 girls are married before their 18th year birthday. These statistics from UNICEF and Ghana's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey(MICS) shows the worrying trend of child marriage across the world which has necessitated the global call for action to eliminate child marriage in 2030.

In Ghana, 4.4% and 5.8%of women age 15-49 married by exact age 15 in 2006 and 2011 respectively.
In addition, among women age 20-24, the proportion who got married before exact age 18 was 22% in 2006 and 21% in 2011(Ghana Statistical Service 2006,2011).
In 29 countries including Ghana, it was found that female adolescents where more vulnerable to HIV infections.
The study indicated that women who marry young tend to have much older husbands and in polygamous societies are frequently junior wives.
Some parents often feel a young girl is an economic burden and therefore wish to marry their young daughters before they become economic liabilities.
Child Marriage on it's own comes with a lot of issues.
The causes may be because many parents do not find themselves in the position to support thier girl child so she can pursue her academic entitlements.
Not many girls in areas where this practice is common have any career to look forward to as hope.
Marriage is considered to be the ultimate goal here.
Another reason for child marriage as far public opinion has it is to minimise the risk of dishonor, due to rape and trafficking, and also to create a link between the two families.
Many families deem it a great dishonor to have their girl childs raped.They therefore would rather send them into early marriages to prevent such future dishonors.
Talking about the effects, breakup in the marriage is possible. Often the young couples are immature to shoulder major responsibilities of life and end up fighting each other.
Adjustment problems may arise primarily after child birth which could be either financial or responsibility issues .
Work opportunities are limited for such youngsters, since thier education levels are low, they are not able to get well paid jobs.
In addition, since most are not able to complete even their basic school education, they may have to settle with menial jobs which are not well paid.
As statistics have indicated the rate of child marriage in Ghana, it is deemed a collective responsibility as Traditional Religious Leaders, Law Enforcement Agencies, Non Governmental Organizations and Parents especially should not marry off thier children under any circumstance before age 18 as it is against the law.
Parents should allow thier children to go to school and stay in school till completion.
The victims(girls) should not be afraid to seek help when confronted with abuse or a situation where you feel you are being traded into an early child marriage.
Such cases must be reported to law enforcement agencies such as DOVV and social welfare.
The writer, Anita Zoe Afia Odei is a student of the GIJ
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